README.TXT - Full Documentation of MaxDIR. FASTREAD.TXT - Quick Read Documentation of MaxDIR. HISTORY.TXT - History of Revisions to MaxDIR. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MaxDIR v2.30 [Documentation - DI.EXE] Freeware ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type DI /? for a list of command switches. Use README.TXT for help. INSTALLATION: Simply copy the MaxDIR files into your OS directory, or any place else that is specified in your AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH= statement. Also, you can rename it to anything you wish, such as D.EXE, which is how I use it. IMPORTANT!: All of the files MUST be in the same directory for MaxDIR to work properly. NOTE: For Windows NT/2000, you should extract all files to the C:\WINNT directory. For Windows95/98/ME/XP, you should extract all files to the C:\WINDOWS directory. For DOS, you should extract all files to the C:\DOS (or SYSTEM) directory. You must make sure the directory is in the set PATH= statement. ABOUT THE FILES: DI.EXE : MaxDIR. Type DI to get a directory. MCFG.EXE : MaxDIR Config. This program lets you make up to 25 custom config files for MaxDIR to use. The documentation is built in to the help system. Press F1 to find out how to use it. MAXDIR.CFG : This is the default configuration file. You can create up to 25 different .CFG files to use with MaxDIR. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTIONS: You can change the way MaxDIR shows files by using Command-Switches. For example, by typing DI /ON MaxDIR will Alphabetize files by Filename instead of by File Extension. Here are the available command-switches: By default, MaxDIR shows files alpha by file extension, ordered up/down. /oe - Sort Files by Extension, Filename. (Default) /on - Sort Files by Filename, Extension. /od - Sort Files by Date/Time, Name, Ext. /os - Sort Files by Size, Name, Ext. /ou - Disable Sorting. /w - Show Files Ordered Up-Down. (Default) /l - Show Files Ordered Left-to-Right. /# - Number of Columns (1,2,4,6) (Default: 4) /a - Show Hidden/System files. /d - Show Directories ONLY. /u - Show Files in ALL-Uppercase. /v - Show Available Drives. /p - Pause at full screen. /y - Use BIOS Video Addressing. (Old/ Unique systems. DOS in ROM. Slower.) /i - Include DIR clusters in 'Bytes Consumed'. /cx - Color: 0=No Color 1=Standard 2=ANSI (1 can't Redirect) /x - Show eXtra Drive Information. /b - Show MaxDIR Location, Build ID, and DOS Version Info. /z - Disable custom configuration. (Use Default Settings.) /zfilename - Use custom configuration CFG file. (Don't add .CFG) NOTE: You can Disable switches that are on by default or if they are set in a Maxdir.Cfg file. by using a dash(-), like: di /-p to not pause. The - can be before or after the switch, like: di /-v or di /v- You can use more than one switch, in any order. The path to sort must be the last thing on the command line. EXAMPLES: di -Shows files in current dir, alpha by extension. di /? -Shows Command Line Switches and info about MaxDIR. di /os -Shows files sorted from smallest to largest. di /on /u /l ms*.* -Shows files in current dir starting with MS, alpha by filename, in all uppercase, ordered left-to-right. di /u e:\dos -Shows files under the Dos dir on drive E, alpha by extension, in all uppercase. di /d /x -Shows directories under current dir, along with extra info about the drive. di /ou /-p -Shows files, unsorted, not pausing when the screen fills up. di /a -Shows ALL files(including hidden and system files), with hidden dirs at the end of the dir list, and all hidden files at the end of the files list, with their first characters in lower case. di /-v -Shows files in current dir, alpha by extension, without showing available drives. di /zfilename -Will use the custom configuration file: filename.cfg Don't add the .CFG in the command. di \ -Shows the current drive's Root directory, alpha by extension. di /2 -Shows files in current dir, alpha by extension, in 2 columns (which shows dates, times, and attributes) di /c0 /-p > file.txt -Lists files in current dir, sending output to File.txt. (no color) di /c2 /p- > file.txt -Will list files in current dir, sending output to File.txt. (using ANSI color codes.) di /c0 /-p > lpt2 -Lists files in current dir, sending output to printer on LPT2 TIP: When outputting to another device, be sure to use the /-p option to disable PAUSE. Otherwise, you'll have to keep pressing a key until the output is completed. NOTE: Even though the /ou option specifies No Sorting, all directories will still be pushed to the front of the listing, but they will not be sorted. NOTE2: The /a option always pushes hidden/system files to the end of the list. Hidden/System files are denoted by a lowercase first letter of the Filename and Extension. PAUSE: MaxDIR pauses after each screenful of information, and is smart enough to detect screen modes. Use di /-p to disable the pause. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUG FIXES: If you are a regular user of MaxDIR, and you have the displeasure of discovering a bug, I would urge you to e-mail a brief description to the site address. The fix will be posted on the net at: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you find this to be a useful utility. If you have any suggestions or comments concerning this program, feel free to send it to the email address listed on -Michael S. Hooper LEGAL MUMBOJUMBO: As for legalities... MaxDIR has been tested on many different systems with no problems or complications. MSH Softworks will accept no liability for data loss, file or directory corruption, program failure, system failure, or any problems that are judged and/or assumed as being caused by the use of MaxDIR. Due to the diversity of computers and operating systems in use, MaxDIR comes without warranty either expressed or implied.