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Since 1996.   Site under reconstruction.

Home of MaxDIR. (Latest release: v2.30 Mar 2020)

Other Pages on Site:

  MaxDIR -   A DOS color directory program -   A better DOS DIR command that shows files in color and in columns, etc.   Easily Configured.

  ScreenToggle -   A DOS utility to switch between 25 line and 50 line screen modes.   Mode command and ansi.sys not needed.

Previous HomePage Redirects:

  BP Gulf Oil Spill -   A disaster of huge proportions that will linger in the gulf coast for years.

  Google (encrypted) - was redirected to for a while. and

Useful Links:

  Ubuntu Linux

  Linux Mint

  Mozilla Firefox >> Use Firefox, not Chrome (or MS browsers), for the Internet the way You want it, with no tracking and better Privacy

  uBlock for Firefox   (Superior to AdBlock Plus)

  Privacy Badger for Firefox  or at

  NoScript for Firefox ( if you're an advanced user )

Computer Security:   Use a Rescue CD to test your "clean" system.

How trojans-backdoors, keyloggers, and viruses can hide themselves from your OS and AntiVirus programs

Some possible rootkit solutions (Rescue CDs)

AeroSpace Related

NASA Current Missions Lists out all missions where you can click on each for details.
JPL Planetary PhotoJournal "The Planetary Photojournal is your interface to the Planetary Image Archive."
James Webb Space Telescope Pictures from and info on the James Webb Space Telescope
Cassini-Huygens Pictures from and info on the Cassini Probe Project.
The Hubble Site Pictures from and info on the Hubble Space Telescope.
The Voyager Site The Voyager Interstellar Mission Site. Lots of info.
The Planetary Society The future of planetary exploration. Lots of Info and Links. A space oriented news and e-zine site.
Space Daily A news site focused on space related subject matter.
X Prize The X Prize Foundation.   There are still things to be done and money to be won.
Planet Quest Planets outside our own Solar System.
Starship Pages Pictures of the Beech Starship 2000 and links to Scaled Composites.

AeroSpace News

NASA Main Site Forward Momentum in the slow paced space age?
NASA Headquarters NASA Headquarters
NASA DFRC Dryden Flight Research Center
NASA JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA JSC Johnson Space Center
NASA KSC Kennedy Space Center
NASA MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
Canadian Space Agency What's new at the Canadian Space Agency?
European Space Agency What's new at the European Space Agency?
Italian Space Agency What's new at the Italian Space Agency?
Russian Space Agency What's new at the Russian Space Agency
NSDA of Japan National Space Development Agency of Japan, now JAXA.
Aviation Related FAA News and Safety Info in the General and Commercial Aviation Industry.

Links to Great Sites:

Good Websites and Articles:

Electronic Frontier FoundationThe leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.
Internet ArchiveIncludes The WayBack Machine. See websites as they were in the past.
2600 Magazine2600: The Hacker Quarterly.
Tom's HardwareHardware reviews. Your computer will depreciate once you see this.
World FactbookThe World according to the CIA.   More info than you'll ever need about any country.
Analog MagazineConsider yourself a Sci-Fi buff? You ain't if you don't subscribe to this.
'Net Movie DatabaseFind out everything about any Movie/Director/Actor/Actress/etc. Searchable and Crosslinked.
Nuclear FusionInteresting article on nuclear fusion reactor possibilities.
Russian Ghost Town"Elena's Motorcyle Ride through Chernobyl" and surrounding areas, with many haunting photos, plus more!

Silly  /  Interesting  /  Strange:

Web Economy BS GeneratorSome Web companies may use this in their 'Mission Statements'.
Fark.comIt's not News.. It's FARK.
The OnionAmerica's finest news source™.
Sasquatch MilitiaJoin the Sasquatch Militia Today. "From The Forests We Will Fight!"
Flame Warriors by Mike ReedFlame Warriors. Artist's rendition of Newsgroup/Chat warriors by type.
Robot WisdomA weblog or collection of what the owner finds interesting/curious.   One of the very first internet "Blog"s.
π (pi) to 1,000,000 digits.Nifty. There really is a site at 3.14159265358979323846264338327950

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© 2012, M. Hooper